Why Aroma Enhance™?

November 15, 2020

Automatic brewing is the go-to choice for a lot of homes and offices looking for a quick caffeine fix. You can still make a better brew from an auto drip with some know-how.

An auto-drip coffee maker is handy because you can set it and let it do the rest. Some coffee lovers worry that they can't control the temperature or the water ratio as it pours over the beans to fit their liking. In fact, you can upgrade your cup of joe starting with the right coffee beans and roast. And more importantly, Melitta's Aroma Enhance™ auto drip coffee maker provides you with choices to custom the coffee to your taste.

Start the Process Right:
Whole Beans, a Good Grind

Since you can't control a lot of the variables that make a cup of coffee good with an auto-drip, it's important that you start the process right. This means fresh-roasted whole beans, getting a good grind and with fresh water.

Coffee goes stale quickly and the process goes even faster when the beans are already ground, so stick with whole beans.

Patented AromaSelector™ function

Have you ever thought that you can bring handcrafted coffee home even brewing your coffee from an auto drip coffee maker? Melitta's Aroma Enhance™ coffee maker has the patented True AromaSelector® function. With this technology, coffee grounds are evenly extracted with ideal water flow and distribution to match with the aroma you select. See the 3D animation below to understand its operation.


You can now have the full control over your coffee's aroma with the special touch of handcrafted quality by just turning the True AromaSelector® knob to your preferred coffee strength. 


About Us

Wabilogic™ is the official licensee of Melitta®'s products. For the last 50 years, we embrace breakthrough concepts for products with timeless design. Don't miss the chance to explore exceptional coffee makers. (Click Here)

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