Wabi Coffee Recipes: Honey Almond Milk Flat White

April 18, 2024

Wabi Coffee Recipe: Honey Almond Milk Flat White

What is a Hot Honey Almond Milk Flat White?

A Hot Honey Almond Milk Flat White is a specialty coffee drink that combines the flavors of hot honey, almond milk, and espresso. Looking to add some excitement to your daily coffee routine? Give this hot honey almond milk flat white recipe a try! Not only does it offer a delightful flavor and an energizing kick, but it's also incredibly easy to make with just three ingredients. Coffee enthusiasts won't want to miss out on this one-of-a-kind drink!


How to make a Hot Honey Almond Milk Flat White?

To make a Hot Honey Almond Milk Flat White, pour the espresso and honey into a mug, and then use Melitta’s Montalatte frother to steam and froth the almond milk to create a smooth and velvety texture. Pour the frothed milk on top of the espresso. Finally, garnish the drink with some spicy-sweet flavor, such as cinnamon powder.


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Wabilogic™ is the official licensee of Melitta®'s products. For the last 50 years, we embrace breakthrough concepts for products with timeless design. Don't miss the chance to explore exceptional coffee makers. (Click Here)


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